As one of Australia’s largest super funds, UniSuper is dedicated to those working in Australia’s university and research sector.
With possible changes to super rules making the industry even more competitive, UniSuper wanted to remind its members of their fund’s many benefits. This includes its impressive performance over the years as well as its true member-focused approach.
To lift connection with and loyalty to the brand, we wanted to come up with a campaign that pushed the boundaries in terms of the category. The many interesting achievements and career paths of the academics and other fund members provided rich pickings for engaging stories to be told.
The result is a campaign that features actual members alongside real old photos of their younger selves, to show how far they’ve come. By highlighting that their super fund has also come a long way, the campaign is a celebration of life’s journey, and moving forward with success and optimism.
The campaign has been featured in the press, check it out:
Brand press ad
Digital OOH
Brand half page ad
Digital OOH
Social Content - Catherine Attard
Social Content - Stephen Biggers
Social Content - Ian Jackson
Brand Campaign - Additional elements
Pull-up banners